Would you please join me in the best PLN on the planet?


yep. That stands for MathTwitterBlogoSphere and it is (high squeal here) Awesome!

It’s time for me to give back some of the love they’ve shared with me. I started out as a lurker. I read blogs, I scrolled Twitter feeds. I watched and learned. I stole a TON of ideas. (Remember to always give credit!)

I started getting more involved: more Twitter conversations, more sharing ideas, more blogging. The challenges and blogging starters, the Twitter challenges, and other #MtBOS “stuff” helped me learn to navigate this new world that I now love being a part of and partner in. And I bring this love to the teachers at my brick and mortar school, too!

Here’s chance to be a part of the World’s Best Group of Math Educators! And be mentored!! How cool is that?!?

Your  WORLD is about to change (in a good way!)

To learn more about #MtBOS , the mentoring, and some upcoming challenges, click here.
