Engaging students: to ask better questions, we must become better listeners

But, why????

When I was young, I would ask “why?” Not once, but Continue reading “Engaging students: to ask better questions, we must become better listeners”

And How Was Your Day, um… Week, Honey?

First week of school is down in the history books! 

Block schedule classes… Continue reading “And How Was Your Day, um… Week, Honey?”

Green Eggs and Ham; I love them, I love them, Sam-I-Am!

Well, I made it through

Day One, and Day Two!

We’ll just have to see

about getting through Three!”

I love Dr. Seuss Continue reading “Green Eggs and Ham; I love them, I love them, Sam-I-Am!”

Best 1st Day of School?? 

Dateline: Monday, August 10, 2015 Gwinnett County, GA

Today is the day! The streets are filled with yellow buses; sidewalks have filled with backpack-covered children, as if a clutch of turtles are migrating. Cars fill Continue reading “Best 1st Day of School?? “

There is this “buffet of choice” for teaching and learning of mathematics: How can I choose?!?

First: just breathe.

Second: start at the end, and work backwards. Reflect on these questions (posed by Brian Bushart During a #mathrocks event:

1. What are your goals for yourself for your math teaching Continue reading “There is this “buffet of choice” for teaching and learning of mathematics: How can I choose?!?”